Python Programming Language

Python is kind of snakes Ever since I learned programming in the 8th grade (that is if visual basic counts as coding) I have built the impression that real programming had to be complex and hard, because a computer is stupid and it has to be fed with every bit of information needed to operate properly. But since I started working in Python this idea was completely changed.
The first time Python caught my eye was on one of the Ubuntu forums when I was looking for a way to get java working properly on my Linux machine. I noticed some guys talking about python and how good it is, I started searching ,and minutes later (I know this may sound geeky) I got hooked.

And this is why:
  • Python concentrates on the productivity of the programmer, unlike other programming languages which tend to hold the programmer back sometimes. For example a certain algorithm that took multiple classes in java , can be performed in a little number of lines of python .
  • Python is object oriented and this is something I was familiar with from programming in java
  • Python runs on almost every machine out there; whether it is a mobile or a computer or even a robot, and whether it runs Linux, Windows, or Mac.
  • Python is Free. Yupi!
  • Python has a very large support community on the net, and this really surprised me. There are lots and lots of tutorials and forums where you can find solutions to any problem you come across.
  • Python is shipped with most of the Linux Distros ; Like Ubuntu, Fedora and many others.
  • You can link python programs to other libraries and even other pieces of code from another programming language like java, C and C++.
  • You can find lots of python libraries that perform various tasks like: Science, Engineering, graphics, communication and gaming, most of which are free…
It is really easy to get started with Python especially if you have a programming background, but it is absolutely ok if you don’t have any experience at all! The first thing you need to is download the Python interpreter, you can do this here , and the package you download is about 15 Mb and includes:
  • The python interpreter ;the most important of them all.
  • Library documentation for Python's standard library.
  • A very good tutorial to get you started from the ground up.
Happy coding…


Anonymous said...

WoooooooW... Great Job Issa and Elyas
Keep it up guysz...

Issa said...

thx ... hope you like it

Fuad said...

good job keep on doing it and put something interesting to all of us...

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